Week 1: Transforming our Minds

Romans 12:2

  Week 1: Transforming our Minds Week 1 is all about transforming our minds! We want to think differently about concepts related to food and nutrition according to what the Bible says, not according to what the world says. As Christians, we are new creations, so let us put on the amazing new characteristics of Christ as we seek to change our habits for the better! Recipes for this week: Sweet Potato Egg Cups Crispy Chicken Salad with Dijon Honey Mustard Dressing Chocolate Banana Muffins You might also enjoy this…

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Colossians 3:16

  Welcome to my Food and Faith Program! I am so happy you are here. Welcome! My Food and Faith Program is designed to help us discover how to have the right mindset in feeding our bodies well through the lens of the Bible. This includes many concepts like having right and pure motivations, keeping God #1 (over health, body, and food), practicing self-control, being patient, and finding joy in serving God and through taking care of our bodies! Our faith should influence everything that we do in our lives…

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