Colossians 3:16


Welcome to my Food and Faith Program!

I am so happy you are here. Welcome!

My Food and Faith Program is designed to help us discover how to have the right mindset in feeding our bodies well through the lens of the Bible. This includes many concepts like having right and pure motivations, keeping God #1 (over health, body, and food), practicing self-control, being patient, and finding joy in serving God and through taking care of our bodies! Our faith should influence everything that we do in our lives and that includes how we take care of our bodies. I pray you will grow, learn, and be encouraged throughout this program. Amen!

Let us do it with joy and thanksgiving for His glory!

Does God care about nutrition? YES! I think He does!

Instructions for your journey

  1. Each lesson is meant to take 1 week to complete. Of course, you can take longer if you need to or if you feel like you want to meditate a little longer on a particular lesson.
  2. Choose a consistent day each week to begin. You will get the most out of this journey when you do a little every day.
  3. Plan to spend 20-30 minutes on the first day of each week and 10-15 minutes per day on each subsequent day.
  4. On Day 1, watch the video under the Lesson tab at the top. Note: each video is about 10 minutes. This will give you an introduction to the content of the lesson for the week.
  5. After you have watched the video, download the pdf lesson for the week located in the Materials tab (next to the Lesson tab). You can print this if you want, or save it to your tablet or computer.
  6. Make sure you have a notebook or a journal. Answer the questions for each day in your journal.
  7. When you are finished with each week, mark the complete button so you can move onto the next lesson.

Helpful Supplements

First, let me just say there is no magic pill! These recommendations will help you ensure you are meeting your nutritional needs, but they are not a substitute for a healthy diet! Please let me know if you want specific recommendations for your needs, these are meant to be general options that work well for MOST people.

You can check out supplements through MY site with Pure Encapsulations. When you order through me (as a patient of a Healthcare professional) using my provider code: 471607 You will get a discount! DO NOT go to the consumer site–you won’t get the discount!

  1. A Quality Multivitamin: the form your vitamins is in makes a big difference in how well your body can absorb the nutrients. Also, why take C, E, D, B vitamins, etc. when one will do it??? I recommend the ONE Multivitamin.
  2. You might be at risk of not getting enough omega-3’s if do not eat fish. You can get some from walnuts, flaxseed, and chia seeds, but it is difficult. If you don’t eat fish, I recommend you take supplemental omega-3’s to ensure the benefits. The ONE Omega is a great option!
  3. If you struggle to get probiotics daily. I might recommend that you take a supplemental option. The Probiotic GI is one of the best I have found!