Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal

Baked Oatmeal with fruit

Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal This baked oatmeal recipe is one of our favorite make ahead breakfast options. It has some wonderful omega-3 fats, great fiber, and is a good source of protein! Bonus: the bananas provide plenty of sweetness, so there is very little added sugar. This recipe is highly recommended by my favorite 10 year old (my daughter Claire). Prep Time: 10 minutes Bake Time 25-30 minutes Makes 6 Servings Ingredients 2 large very ripe bananas 2 cups old-fashioned oats 4 large eggs 2 Tbsp Pure Maple Syrup 2…

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Finding Joy in Eating

Finding Joy in Eating Have we lost the joy of eating? I think many of us have. I know I did for some time. We live in a culture that praises restricting, counting, and limiting and so we have lost the joy in eating. Much of the praise we see from our culture stems from underlying goals of weight loss and trying to achieve a certain aesthetic. We begin to search for anything that will help us achieve this and we often choose a particular meal plan or “diet” that…

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Fish with a Pesto Twist

fish with a pesto twist easy healthy recipe

Fish with a Pesto Twist You all know that I am a big fan of eating a large variety of foods in a healthy diet. This means trying to incorporate a variety of proteins including plant-based, fish, and animal based (meats, cheese, and eggs). You may also know that I didn’t even try fish until I was in college. My family didn’t really eat it growing up. I knew it contained plenty of beneficial nutrients (protein, omega-3’s, vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium), but I didn’t know how to cook it!…

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Water, fasting, self-control, and discipline

Fasting History of Lent Do you celebrate Lent? The first record of early Christians started observing Lent probably in about 325AD following the Council of Nicea. (The Council of Nicea also developed the Nicean creed. This creed has become foundational in many reformed theology churches even today. Search for it yourself to read it.) However, Christians were likely practicing lent as early as the second century. The genesis of lent comes from the desire to engage in some type of fasting in an effort to honor and remember Jesus’ 40…

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5-Day Healthy Easy Real Food Meal Plan

Meal plan

5-Day Healthy Meal Plan Creating a meal plan every week can seem overwhelming at first. Often, when we are overwhelmed, we can’t seem to get much done. But, creating a meal plan can be extremely helpful to save time, money, and stress! There are truly so many benefits! I hope that this article will help you see that meal planning doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming. Before you review the plan below, I encourage you to check out this article: Meal Planning 101 to help you understand how…

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Managing Blood Sugars 101

Intuitive Eating Class

Managing Blood Sugars: Diabetes Receiving a diagnosis of pre-diabetes or diabetes is not what we want to hear, but there is good news. I hope by the end of reading this you will feel empowered to make some healthy changes in your life. There are so many wonderful tools available to help you manage your blood sugars and stay healthy even with this diagnosis! I hope this article will help you get started in sorting through all of the nutrition “noise”. Myths about Diabetes First, let’s dispel some myths about…

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Sugar Addiction: What Does the Bible Say?

Sugar control

Is Sugar Addictive? Many of my conversations through the day involve talk about sugar or sugar addiction. Many of us know we eat too much, but we don’t know what is a reasonable amount and we might struggle to truly change our habits. Sometimes, people tell me they are “addicted” to sugar. I am not convinced that this is a term we should use. Yes, sugar does have some addictive properties, but as with many pleasures in this world, sugar is a delightful gift from the Lord. Have you ever…

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Comparison and Our Health

Comparison Starts Young Starting at a very young age, we begin comparing ourselves to others. My daughter started talking about what her friends are wearing and wanted to wear clothing similar to them when she was 4 years old. My son, often talks about his school work by comparing his work to others. But why wouldn’t he?  He is constantly being compared to his classmates by his teachers and the others that work at the school. The doctor compares growth in weight and height at each visit. You can see,…

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God Loves Every BODY!

What do you like about your BODY? Many of us struggle with liking our physical body. Consider this, what do you like about your physical body? Your answer may not be associated with your physical body.  You might say, “I am kind”, “I am servant hearted”, “I am empathetic”, “I am organized”, etc.  We often focus on what we don’t like about our bodies, and fail to recognize what we do like.  I encourage you to take a minute now and think about what physical characteristics you like about your…

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Winning the Battle

What is the Goal? The Lord calls us to be stewards of our physical bodies. That means we endeavor to take care of them to the best of our ability so that God can use us. Taking care of our bodies well can be a challenge. Maybe we lack planning skills, or we don’t have time, or maybe we just don’t always care enough. The Battle Begins It is a battle. A battle of choices in how we will nourish our bodies. We are often unprepared especially if we don’t…

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