Let’s Stop Making Weight Loss our Main Goal

Why Weight Loss shouldn’t be your #1 Goal Over and over again we read that diets just don’t work. The data is a bit scattered here, but this article from the Scientific American published in 2020 estimated that 80-95% of people who lose a significant amount of body fat do not maintain that loss at 1 year. In a 2019 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that dieting actually predicts future weight gain. I know this first hand as I worked in an Endocrinology clinic for…

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Finding Joy in Eating

Finding Joy in Eating Have we lost the joy of eating? I think many of us have. I know I did for some time. We live in a culture that praises restricting, counting, and limiting and so we have lost the joy in eating. Much of the praise we see from our culture stems from underlying goals of weight loss and trying to achieve a certain aesthetic. We begin to search for anything that will help us achieve this and we often choose a particular meal plan or “diet” that…

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Comparison and Our Health

Comparison Starts Young Starting at a very young age, we begin comparing ourselves to others. My daughter started talking about what her friends are wearing and wanted to wear clothing similar to them when she was 4 years old. My son, often talks about his school work by comparing his work to others. But why wouldn’t he?  He is constantly being compared to his classmates by his teachers and the others that work at the school. The doctor compares growth in weight and height at each visit. You can see,…

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Why Ditch the Diet?

Intentional Eating

Have you been on a diet before? Almost all of us have at some point in our lives. Many times people will tell me they are a “professional dieter” or they have been on so many diets they can’t even count them. Or even that they have lost over 1,000 pounds! If this is you, please keep reading! Even if you have only been on 1 diet, or if you are considering starting one sometime soon, you should also keep reading! I realize I am going counter-cultural here as I…

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Intentional Eating: Using the Hunger Scale

Intentional Eating: What is it? Intentional eating is not a new concept, but we seem to have forgotten the benefits of being intentional about life in general and also about our food and nutrition. I have used the phrase Intentional Eating to describe a combination of Intuitive Eating concepts and Biblical Concepts and how they can come together. Intuitive eating consists of 10 principles. Each of these principles focus on getting rid of dieting! In fact, three of the principles involve getting back to feeling and understanding your hunger. Principle…

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Pushing Away Idols to Re-Focus on God’s Glory

Heart healthy

Pushing Away Idols to Re-Focus on God’s Glory “What?” you ask, “do idols have to do with food and nutrition?” A lot actually. I recognize this is a challenging subject, and as I write this today, I am convicted myself in more than one way. I hope that as you read this today, you will pause and consider your own heart. Psalm 139:23 “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me…

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Pros and Cons of Popular Diets

Pros and Cons of Popular Diets Misinformation There is so much misinformation about nutrition plaguing our culture with false promises, quick fixes and just plain bad nutrition advice in so many popular diets.  There is truly a great need for science-based nutrition information from reputable sources.  Knowledge is power, but knowledge doesn’t mean lasting change.  Knowledge often helps us with change, but we need to dig deeper.  We need to discover the heart behind the decisions we are making with about our nutrition.  I often use the Bible to help…

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What Vegetables are in Season?

In Season is Best for Vegetables I find it very helpful to increase the amount of vegetables I eat if I can purchase fresh, high quality vegetables for a reasonable price.  Much of my success in this has come from eating vegetables that are in season.   Benefits of purchasing produce go beyond just saving money.  When you purchase foods that are locally in season, you will find they retain more nutrients.  This is because they were more recently harvested closer to you.  This is beneficial to your overall health and…

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It’s All About the Sugars

It’s all about the Sugars Jennifer Bryant, MS, RD, LD, CDE  So your friend told you that agave syrup has a lower glycemic index than sugar, and so you started buying it to put in your morning cup of coffee.  Your grandma tells you that honey will get rid of your cough, and your spouse is upset with you that you are spending more money on the sweetener that you think is better for you.  With so much conflicting information, how do you know what you should be consuming? About…

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