Let’s Stop Making Weight Loss our Main Goal

Why Weight Loss shouldn’t be your #1 Goal Over and over again we read that diets just don’t work. The data is a bit scattered here, but this article from the Scientific American published in 2020 estimated that 80-95% of people who lose a significant amount of body fat do not maintain that loss at 1 year. In a 2019 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that dieting actually predicts future weight gain. I know this first hand as I worked in an Endocrinology clinic for…

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Finding Joy in Eating

Finding Joy in Eating Have we lost the joy of eating? I think many of us have. I know I did for some time. We live in a culture that praises restricting, counting, and limiting and so we have lost the joy in eating. Much of the praise we see from our culture stems from underlying goals of weight loss and trying to achieve a certain aesthetic. We begin to search for anything that will help us achieve this and we often choose a particular meal plan or “diet” that…

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Sugar Addiction: What Does the Bible Say?

Sugar control

Is Sugar Addictive? Many of my conversations through the day involve talk about sugar or sugar addiction. Many of us know we eat too much, but we don’t know what is a reasonable amount and we might struggle to truly change our habits. Sometimes, people tell me they are “addicted” to sugar. I am not convinced that this is a term we should use. Yes, sugar does have some addictive properties, but as with many pleasures in this world, sugar is a delightful gift from the Lord. Have you ever…

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Healthy At Every Size: Is it Biblical?

Health at Every Size®: Is it Biblical? Let me preface this article by saying that I only wish to comment on the principles of this movement. Below you will find an outline of the 5 main principles, a description of common misconceptions, and finally, an evaluation of the principles as they relate to the bible. I hope you find it helpful to establish your thinking to be pleasing to the Lord in all things including taking care of your body. Blessings! Jenn Principles of Health at Every Size® (HAES) Weight…

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Intentional Eating: Using the Hunger Scale

Intentional Eating: What is it? Intentional eating is not a new concept, but we seem to have forgotten the benefits of being intentional about life in general and also about our food and nutrition. I have used the phrase Intentional Eating to describe a combination of Intuitive Eating concepts and Biblical Concepts and how they can come together. Intuitive eating consists of 10 principles. Each of these principles focus on getting rid of dieting! In fact, three of the principles involve getting back to feeling and understanding your hunger. Principle…

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Important Vitamins and Minerals for Metabolism

A Magic Pill Many of us are always looking for something new that will “fix” all of our health issues.  Whether it is an ache or pain or a chronic disease like heart disease or diabetes.  Or maybe, you have tried every weight loss pill on the planet, and you hope the next one will be the one that actually works.  The truth is that there really isn’t a magic pill.  Being healthy takes some work and some discipline.  However, we do have some nutrients that may be good “helpers”…

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Food Records Remade

Benefits of keeping a food record Food records can give you great insight into your own eating patterns and habits.  Are you a snacker?  Is there a time of day you tend to overindulge.  Is there a place you go to when you overeat?  Are your days of the week different than your weekends?  Are you an evening snacker?  Grazer?  You can learn so much about yourself by spending a few moments each day to reflect on what you are eating! Food records will help you learn about food intolerances…

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The True Story About Coconut Oil

By:Jennifer Bryant, MS, RD, LD, CDE Recently, you have probably heard some buzz about how coconut oil is truly a healthy fat.  You have perhaps even heard promises that it will help you lose weight, look younger, and that it may cure many of your diseases and health ailments.  You have also heard the opposite view that it is really not that great, and you shouldn’t be eating it.  What is the coconut oil’s true story? First, let me just say that I have “nothing to declare”.  I am not…

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