Managing Blood Sugars 101

Intuitive Eating Class

Managing Blood Sugars: Diabetes Receiving a diagnosis of pre-diabetes or diabetes is not what we want to hear, but there is good news. I hope by the end of reading this you will feel empowered to make some healthy changes in your life. There are so many wonderful tools available to help you manage your blood sugars and stay healthy even with this diagnosis! I hope this article will help you get started in sorting through all of the nutrition “noise”. Myths about Diabetes First, let’s dispel some myths about…

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Genetic Testing for Nutrition

Healthy Balance Salad

Genetic Testing for Nutrition Genetic Testing for Nutrition made its debut in the early 2000’s with the promise of helping people refine their health habits with more personalized nutrition and exercise recommendations. These tests search for SNP’s (single nucleotide polymorphisms) within your genetic code. We have millions of SNP’s in our code and most of them don’t actually make an impact on how our body works, but some do. These tests look at the SNP’s that are associated with variations nutrient metabolism, health, weight management, physical activity, and much more!…

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Meal Planning 101

Meal plan

Meal Planning 101 Have you wished someone would just create a meal plan for you, shop for you and cook for you? I have! I have had so many people ask me lately, “Do you have a “meal plan” I can follow? The answer to this question is, “yes, I do have meal plans available through Living Plate.” There are many options including a 5 day Anti-inflammatory Meal Plan, a Diabetes Meal Plan, a 28 Day Refresh Plan, and a Plant Based Meal Plan and More! Don’t get me wrong,…

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How to Improve Immunity During COVID-19

Antioxidants in berries can help immunity

What is happening? COVID-19 is spreading fast.  As I am writing this, over 140,000 people have died and there are over 2 million cases worldwide.  Everyone is wondering, “what is happening?”  Besides wondering about daily life, and how in the world am I going to teach both of my children, and work, and keep my house clean, and cook meals…???  I am also wondering, how can I reduce my risk of severe illness or even death from this deadly virus?  What are some easy (because let’s be real, I don’t…

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Important Vitamins and Minerals for Metabolism

A Magic Pill Many of us are always looking for something new that will “fix” all of our health issues.  Whether it is an ache or pain or a chronic disease like heart disease or diabetes.  Or maybe, you have tried every weight loss pill on the planet, and you hope the next one will be the one that actually works.  The truth is that there really isn’t a magic pill.  Being healthy takes some work and some discipline.  However, we do have some nutrients that may be good “helpers”…

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Chili Kale Chips

More Sides Please! I had a request this week from a client for some more ideas for side dishes.  This request really got me thinking and wanting to do my own side dishes with a little more flare this week.  Today I decided to make my kale into something different and it ended up being truly amazing!  There are a couple of tricks to this.  1.  Make sure you bake them at a high temperature.  2.  The amount of time you bake them for is very important as you don’t…

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What the Health? Sorting out the TRUE Nutrition Claims If you haven’t watched this documentary, you don’t have to in order to gain some insight from this article.  In fact, it isn’t necessarily a documentary I would recommend.  They do make some interesting and thought provoking points throughout, however, they do it with an underlying sense of extremism, fear mongering, and they do it all with an emotional twist. This is the point of the movie: A vegan diet is the most healthful and least problematic for the environment and…

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