Encouragement to Keep Going!

Heart healthy

Encouragement to One Another I want to take some time today to encourage you.  God tells us to encourage one another.  1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”  I hope you are enjoying the new you!  How are you feeling?  Are you proud of what you have accomplished with the help of our Lord?  You should be.  I am guessing you have made some amazing changes related to your health that have helped you feel stronger, more confident, healthier,…

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Filling the Holes


Filling The Holes We have all been there.  When we feel discontent and down, like something is missing.  We often try to fill these holes with more things, a bigger house, a nicer car, a better job, tastier food, weight loss, the next new diet, and the list goes on.  The hole seems to be filled temporarily, and then like a pot hole, it collapses again at the first sign of a heavy weight or an intense storm.  Did you know that I used to work in the weight loss…

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Healthy At Every Size: Is it Biblical?

Health at Every Size®: Is it Biblical? Let me preface this article by saying that I only wish to comment on the principles of this movement. Below you will find an outline of the 5 main principles, a description of common misconceptions, and finally, an evaluation of the principles as they relate to the bible. I hope you find it helpful to establish your thinking to be pleasing to the Lord in all things including taking care of your body. Blessings! Jenn Principles of Health at Every Size® (HAES) Weight…

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Lunch Bowls: Tons of combos for amazing flavors!

Lunch Bowls! Clients ask me all the time, “what should I eat for lunch?” I have found that if it isn’t easy to throw together, they won’t do it no matter how healthy it is! This is why I love lunch bowls! I often eat these myself using a variety of vegetables and leftovers that are already prepared in my refrigerator. Below are 4 different options and ideas to create your perfect lunch! You can follow the chart horizontally to stick with similar flavors, or you can mix and match…

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Asian Flavors Dressing

Asian Flavors Dressing This dressing is a wonderful addition to any salad or bowl or you can use it as a marinade for shrimp, pork, or poultry! Yum! Once you discover how easy it is to make your own, you will never buy store bought again! When you use it in a bowl, you can combine tons of veggies for a flavorful and high antioxidant lunch option! Ingredients 1 Tbsp Fresh Lime Juice 1/4 cup Olive Oil 1/4 cup Soy Sauce 2 Tbsp Sesame Oil 1 Tbsp Maple Syrup 1…

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Why Ditch the Diet?

Intentional Eating

Have you been on a diet before? Almost all of us have at some point in our lives. Many times people will tell me they are a “professional dieter” or they have been on so many diets they can’t even count them. Or even that they have lost over 1,000 pounds! If this is you, please keep reading! Even if you have only been on 1 diet, or if you are considering starting one sometime soon, you should also keep reading! I realize I am going counter-cultural here as I…

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Simple Mediterranean Dressing

Simple Mediterranean Dressing We know that the flavors of the Mediterranean are especially good for our health. Fresh lemon juice gives us a good dose of vitamin C, and olive oil is filled with beneficial monounsaturated fats. This simple Mediterranean dressing recipe is perfect to make your diet a little more Mediterranean! This dressing is the perfect addition to any salad or bowl. You can also use it as a marinade for chicken, pork or beef. Fresh lemon juice and plenty of oregano give it a Mediterranean flavor that is…

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Let’s Stop Making Weight Loss our Goal

Why I Can’t Help you if Weight Loss is your #1 Goal Over and over again we read that diets just don’t work. The data is a bit scattered here, but this article from the Scientific American published in 2020 estimated that 80-95% of people who lose a significant amount of body fat do not maintain that loss at 1 year. In a 2019 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that dieting actually predicts future weight gain. I know this first hand as I worked in…

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How to Challenge the Food Police

Food Police

How to Challenge the Food Police You’re done with dieting! You want to be an Intuitive Eater! Except there is this voice in your head that tells you not to let go of diets just yet…Because there is one out there that has got to be “the ONE” that will work – right? It can be nearly impossible to improve your relationship with food and body if the diet culture voice is still being obnoxiously loud. The authors of the Intuitive Eating framework call this voice “the food police” because…

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Can Science and Faith Come Together in the Nutrition World?

Heart healthy

Can Science and Faith Come Together in the Nutrition World? Science and Faith I have been thinking about this question a lot lately. Confusion abounds when we consider how to believe science and still continue in our faith. Let me first just say they are absolutely not mutually exclusive. I firmly believe that God gave us science to help us understand His creation! We also must remember that His creation is so beautifully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) that it is certain, we will never know everything. It helps us…

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