Wellness in the Word: Sept 2023

Putting on Christ in a World of Lies Wellness in the Word Workshop September 2023 was filled with joyful worship as we learned how to glorify God with our bodies! If you weren’t able to join us for the live workshop, you can listen to the recording HERE! Putting On Christ in a World of Lies Colossians 3:1-17 Paul gives us important instructions about how to put to death the things of this world and how to put on Christ. Our world is so full of lies about our bodies,…

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Lies we Believe WWW April 2022

Lies we Believe Wellness in the Word April 2022 The focus Our focus for this workshop was to protect our hearts from the lies of this world and to replace them with truth from God’s word. We covered a few lies, but we spent time talking about the lie that I will never be able to change my habits, I keep failing! This is the lie that causes us to “give up” on taking care of our bodies for God’s glory. What we talked about First, we redefined success in…

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