GERD: Do you have Reflux?

GERD Q: Do you have hoarseness, chronic cough, choking episodes, trouble swallowing, lump in throat, chronic throat clearing, postnasal drip, heartburn, or asthma? A: If your answer is yes, you may have GERD. GERD doesn’t always present with heartburn.  It may show up as any of the above symptoms.     Q: What causes GERD? A: It’s not actually the stomach acid itself that causes GERD. It is the pepsin (the enzyme in the stomach that helps digest protein). Pepsin is activated by acid, but it isn’t the acid that causes…

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Preventing Cancer: Highlights from LLS Seminar

I had the honor last night to speak for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Cancer Survivorship Seminar.  We had some other amazing speakers last night also including Dr. Arana Yi, Anastasia Estocin, and Kathryn Fearnside.  It was a wonderful evening of good food and fellowship with fellow survivors.  A special thank you to the LLS for organizing this wonderful event! Healthy Lifestyle My portion of the seminar was of course on good nutrition both during chemotherapy and also after chemotherapy in the context of improving quality of life and length…

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