Reducing Cancer Risk

Reducing Cancer Risk Healthy Lifestyle As a Registered Dietitian I must focus on good nutrition as a key in helping reduce risk of cancer and also during and after chemotherapy. Good nutrition can help improve quality of life significantly. We don’t want to forget that a healthy lifestyle also includes physical activity, stress management, building healthy relationships, and keeping up with recommended doctor appointments. Other factors that can help reduce risk of cancer are avoiding tobacco, limiting alcohol, and practicing sun safety.  We also know that sometimes we do everything…

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Important Vitamins and Minerals for Metabolism

A Magic Pill Many of us are always looking for something new that will “fix” all of our health issues.  Whether it is an ache or pain or a chronic disease like heart disease or diabetes.  Or maybe, you have tried every weight loss pill on the planet, and you hope the next one will be the one that actually works.  The truth is that there really isn’t a magic pill.  Being healthy takes some work and some discipline.  However, we do have some nutrients that may be good “helpers”…

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