Finding Joy in Eating

Finding Joy in Eating Have we lost the joy of eating? I think many of us have. I know I did for some time. We live in a culture that praises restricting, counting, and limiting and so we have lost the joy in eating. Much of the praise we see from our culture stems from underlying goals of weight loss and trying to achieve a certain aesthetic. We begin to search for anything that will help us achieve this and we often choose a particular meal plan or “diet” that…

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Winning the Battle

What is the Goal? The Lord calls us to be stewards of our physical bodies. That means we endeavor to take care of them to the best of our ability so that God can use us. Taking care of our bodies well can be a challenge. Maybe we lack planning skills, or we don’t have time, or maybe we just don’t always care enough. The Battle Begins It is a battle. A battle of choices in how we will nourish our bodies. We are often unprepared especially if we don’t…

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