Can Science and Faith Come Together in the Nutrition World?

Heart healthy

Can Science and Faith Come Together in the Nutrition World? Science and Faith I have been thinking about this question a lot lately. Confusion abounds when we consider how to believe science and still continue in our faith. Let me first just say they are absolutely not mutually exclusive. I firmly believe that God gave us science to help us understand His creation! We also must remember that His creation is so beautifully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) that it is certain, we will never know everything. It helps us…

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How did we get so far from normal?

“Comparison is either wallowing or boasting, neither of which is helpful.”  –John Piper What would it be like if you never compared yourself to anyone else? Ever. Again. What if you ate to nourish your body for energy, health, and well-being? What if you stopped worrying about your weight and focused on eating healthy? I think the world would be a much different place. It seems we are never happy where we are, and we are always trying to look better. The images of what beautiful is go through our…

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