Sugar Addiction: What Does the Bible Say?

Sugar control

Is Sugar Addictive? Many of my conversations through the day involve talk about sugar or sugar addiction. Many of us know we eat too much, but we don’t know what is a reasonable amount and we might struggle to truly change our habits. Sometimes, people tell me they are “addicted” to sugar. I am not convinced that this is a term we should use. Yes, sugar does have some addictive properties, but as with many pleasures in this world, sugar is a delightful gift from the Lord. Have you ever…

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Why Ditch the Diet?

Intentional Eating

Have you been on a diet before? Almost all of us have at some point in our lives. Many times people will tell me they are a “professional dieter” or they have been on so many diets they can’t even count them. Or even that they have lost over 1,000 pounds! If this is you, please keep reading! Even if you have only been on 1 diet, or if you are considering starting one sometime soon, you should also keep reading! I realize I am going counter-cultural here as I…

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Pros and Cons of Popular Diets

Pros and Cons of Popular Diets Misinformation There is so much misinformation about nutrition plaguing our culture with false promises, quick fixes and just plain bad nutrition advice in so many popular diets.  There is truly a great need for science-based nutrition information from reputable sources.  Knowledge is power, but knowledge doesn’t mean lasting change.  Knowledge often helps us with change, but we need to dig deeper.  We need to discover the heart behind the decisions we are making with about our nutrition.  I often use the Bible to help…

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How did we get so far from normal?

“Comparison is either wallowing or boasting, neither of which is helpful.”  –John Piper What would it be like if you never compared yourself to anyone else? Ever. Again. What if you ate to nourish your body for energy, health, and well-being? What if you stopped worrying about your weight and focused on eating healthy? I think the world would be a much different place. It seems we are never happy where we are, and we are always trying to look better. The images of what beautiful is go through our…

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