Meal Planning 101

Meal plan

Meal Planning 101 Have you wished someone would just create a meal plan for you, shop for you and cook for you? I have! I have had so many people ask me lately, “Do you have a “meal plan” I can follow? The short answer is, “no”. Because I truly believe that learning how to consistently implement a simple meal plan that YOU create is one of the most important skills in taking care of your body. There can be a place for a prescribed meal plan or a meal…

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How to Improve Immunity During COVID-19

Antioxidants in berries can help immunity

What is happening? COVID-19 is spreading fast.  As I am writing this, over 140,000 people have died and there are over 2 million cases worldwide.  Everyone is wondering, “what is happening?”  Besides wondering about daily life, and how in the world am I going to teach both of my children, and work, and keep my house clean, and cook meals…???  I am also wondering, how can I reduce my risk of severe illness or even death from this deadly virus?  What are some easy (because let’s be real, I don’t…

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Roasted Parmesan Broccoli

Roasted Parmesan Broccoli

Roasted Parmesan Broccoli I absolutely LOVE roasting vegetables!  It is one of my favorite ways to prepare and eat fresh produce.  Roasting brings out some wonderful flavors and with broccoli, it reduces the bitterness.  Lastly, roasting vegetables helps to break down the cell walls of the veggies to make more nutrients available to your body! Broccoli is full of vitamins C, fiber, potassium, and iron.  It is also one of our vegetables with the highest amounts of protein.  Broccoli has been shown to help increase our immune systems and reduce…

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